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Throwing Response Errors

To respond with errors that are defined in your contract from your server, you can throw a TsRestResponseError from anywhere within your code, and it will be caught by ts-rest and served as a response. It will still go through any response validations that are enabled.

import { TsRestResponseError } from '@ts-rest/core';
import { contract } from './contract';

// anywhere in your code
throw new TsRestResponseError(contract.getPost, {
status: 404,
body: { message: 'Not Found' },

You can also pass an entire contract to the TsRestResponseError constructor, and it will allow you to pass responses that are common to all endpoints.

throw new TsRestResponseError(contract, {
status: 404,
body: { message: 'Not Found' },

Any thrown TsRestResponseError will NOT be caught by any error handlers, and will be served as a response straight away.