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Azure Functions

The Azure Function handler can handle the Azure Functions V4 programming model.

import { app } from '@azure/functions';
import { createAzureFunctionHandler } from '@ts-rest/serverless/azure';
import { contract } from './contract';
import { router } from './router';

const handler = createAzureFunctionHandler(contract, router, {
// options

// This will register a single function handler for the handler
app.http('api', {
// Be sure to include any method that the router requires
methods: ['POST', 'PATCH', 'DELETE', 'GET'],
authLevel: 'anonymous',
route: '{*route}',

Route Prefix

By default, Azure Functions have a route prefix api for every route registered. Unless you specifically have the same in your contract, then you will need to add the following to the end of your host.json file to remove this prefix.

// host.json
"extensions": {
"http": {
"routePrefix": ""

Context Object

In addition to the regular context properties, the context object for Azure Function handlers includes the following additional properties:

  • rawHttpRequest: HttpRequest: The raw request that was passed to the Azure Function
  • azureContext: InvocationContext: The Azure Function Invocation Context passed with each invocation of a function
import { createAzureFunctionHandler } from '@ts-rest/serverless/azure';
import { contract } from './contract';

export const handler = createAzureFunctionHandler(
getPost: async ({ params: { id } }, { azureContext, rawHttpRequest }) => {
azureContext.log('Received request!');

return {
status: 200,
body: {
title: 'Hello, World!',
requestMiddleware: [
(request, { rawHttpRequest, azureContext }) => {
console.log('Raw HttpRequest:', rawHttpRequest);
console.log('Azure Invocation Context:', azureContext);
responseHandlers: [(response, request, { rawHttpRequest, azureContext }) => {}],